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Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death in the world today, responsible for three in every 10 deaths in 2011. Of these, 7 million people died of ischaemic heart disease and 6.2 million people from strokes. Therefore looking after one's heart is a major priority for us all, especially as we approach middle-age.

Sadly, most of us will be familiar with cases of acquaintances and friends who have been cut down in the prime of life by a sudden heart attack. By looking after our hearts we not only reduce the risk of sudden death and illness but also boost our general fitness, energy and resilience. A healthy heart also enables us to enjoy all kinds of physical activities and recreations that will leave us feeling rejuvenated and motivated.

Private Label Supplements has a wide range of supplements that will help your heart to stay strong and healthy. Just two softgels a day of Omega 3-6-9, for example, helps reduce high cholestrol, thins the blood, minimizes the risk of congestive heart failure and decreases the risk of additional heart problems for those who have experienced a recent health crisis.

Heart Defense, for example, another of our supplements, contains all kinds of natural ingredients that protect your heart, including Vitamin E, Vitamin B-6, folic acid and fish oil. Other Private Label Supplements that help to preserve a healthy heart - among many others - include Super Omega 3 Fish Oil, a supplement that helps to elevate mood and ward off heart disease. But we have many to choose from, depending on your individual needs.